Jan 15, 2010

Garlic for a Healthy Body

In addition to a complementary or cooking seasoning, garlic has huge benefits for health. if we look back a few centuries ago, the benefits of garlic for cooking and health had already used it since the days of ancient Greece and Rome, to be consumed and treatment. Meanwhile, in Lebanon recipes, garlic has always used as a recipe for a diet. Over time, more and more discovered benefits of garlic for health and then tested through a series of studies. some properties of garlic include:

1. Helps lower cholesterol levels.
This is because there ajoene substance contained therein, ie a compound that is anti-cholesterol and help prevent blood clotting.

2. Help prevent heart attacks
The reason garlic is useful to help minimize blockages in heart arteries, so to minimize the occurrence of attacks.

3. Inhibit the growth of cancer cells
Garlic can also help prevent cancer as evidenced by research conducted by the University of Minnesota. The study showed that the risk of cancer in old age decreased by 50 percent when eating garlic regularly.

4. Increasing blood insulin for diabetics.

5. Disabling free radicals that disrupt the immune system.

Consumption of garlic, of course, must be balanced with a healthy lifestyle such as reducing the foods that contain fat or high cholesterol, many sports, resting and eating foods rich in nutrients.

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