Mar 29, 2011

Sex Can Avoid Heart Attacks

U.S. researchers say heart disease will attack if you rarely have sex with a partner. Jessica K. Paul is assistant professor of medicine at the Harvard School of Public Health said the sex or do sports at all times to risk of heart attacks and even sudden death. Results of research experts were then published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

From the study, Jessica suggested doing sports activities as well as sex in a consistent and gradual. If necessary, supervised physician. From the results of this meta-analysis found that those who commit sexual activity only occasionally has the risk of heart attack by 2.7 times greater. Meanwhile, sporadic physical activity increases the risk 3.5-fold.

Triggers this problem seems to be a high-intensity activity abruptly, whereas those who do not yet accustomed to doing physical activity. Physical activity rarely increase the risk of sudden cardiac death 5-fold. But overall low risk because the person engaging in this activity are very rare and this risk will be quickly erased.

Foods That Make You Beautiful

Stop buying drugstore creams and potions that promise whiter teeth, healthier hair and brighter skin – you can achieve your beauty goals by changing your diet. Beauty comes from within, so treat your body right and eat your way to better looks with these healthy foods. 
For Whiter Teeth: Celery
Want to brighten up your smile? Swap your whitening strips for a crunchy midday snack. Celery contains fibrous cellulose which scrubs away teeth stains as you chew it.

For Strong Nails: Walnuts
Brittle nails that are soft, thin and easily torn are a problem for many women. The solution is biotin, a B vitamin that helps strengthen nails. Before opting for a biotin supplement, try snacking on walnuts. As well as being an excellent source of biotin, walnuts are rich in other beauty enhancers – like wrinkle-reducing omega-3s.

For Healthy Hair: Beans
Any well-balanced diet should contain a substantial amount of protein but this is particularly true for those looking to improve the state of their hair. Try eating protein-rich beans for stronger, healthier hair that won’t break.

For Flawless Skin: Squash, Liver and Salmon
The key to flawless skin is what you put into your body – not what you smear on it. The antioxidants responsible for glowing, youthful skin – called carotenoids – can be found in squash and other colorful fruits and vegetables. Carotenoids fight free radicals and help to protect skin against damage and disease, while vitamin A-rich foods like liver will help prevent dry skin.


Mar 28, 2011

Make for the kids to eat healthier

1. Kids do better with routine: Eat your meals at regular times. If your child can’t count on a regular mealtime, he may overeat at one meal, or snack on fattening foods between meals. Irregular eating keeps him from “tuning in” to his body’s natural cues for hunger and satisfaction which may lead to poor eating habits. It’s very important not to skip meals – especially breakfast.
2. Eat as a family: Sit down and eat with your child. Involve them in helping to prepare meals. Talk about how healthy eating can help the whole family. Turn off the TV, radio and cell phones while you eating.
3. Plan meals and snacks: Healthy eating takes time and energy. Prepare snacks and meals ahead of time. It is important to feed your child before he is too hungry to avoid eating foods that are easy to grab and less healthy. Planning meals and snacks allows you to have healthy options available for your kids to grab on the go.
4. Drink more water: Teach your child to drink water when he’s thirsty instead of juices, sodas, sports drinks, sweet tea, or sugary powdered drink mixes. The extra sugar and calories in these drinks can keep your child from eating a healthy meal later. Also, drinks with a lot of sugar can lead to weight gain, and tooth decay.
5. Keep it simple: Limit your child’s choices at meals. Offer him several healthy choices of foods including some you know he likes. Then let him decide which of the choices he wants to eat.
6. Limit temptations: Avoid having a lot of junk foods such as chips, cookies and candy around the house; these are high in calories and fat. It is hard to keep from eating these foods if they are always around.
7. Limit TV time: Set limits on how much time your child spends watching TV and playing video games. Less than 2 hours daily is advised – even less is better. Spending too much time just sitting can lead to weight gain. Teach your child to enjoy physical activity by encouraging them to play outside or by joining an athletic team. Kids need at least 1 hour of physical activity outside of school each day. Be a good role model for your child by taking stairs instead of an elevator or picking a parking space further away from a store entrance.
8. Make changes you can live with: Avoid trying to change everything about your child’s eating habits overnight. This will just frustrate you, your child, and the rest of your family. Focus on one or two problem areas in your family’s eating habits and work on improving them together.

What Are The Best Choices in Fast Food Restaurant?

While many fast-food restaurants are slowly introducing healthier options to their menus, you can improve your chances of making a healthy choice if you follow these 10 tips.
• Plan your meals in advance. Oftentimes people duck into a fast-food restaurant because they just don't know what to eat. Take out the guesswork by planning each meal in advance and writing it down. Give yourself a very limited fast-food quota and stick to it.

• Read the menu closely. If your favorite fast-food joint doesn't post the nutritional information on the menu, they may have it behind the counter.

• Don't up the ante on portion size. Even when the jumbo, double, super, giant, and deluxe size seems like a better value, if you choose the larger size to save money, you might not stay healthy enough to spend it. Always order the regular.

• Be a side-stepper. Salads are a great healthy option, but not when they are swimming in an oily soup topped with fried croutons. Ask for salad dressing, sauce, and gravy on the side so you can control the amount you'll use or skip it altogether. Try drizzling lemon juice or using salsa instead.

• Keep it plain. Nothing kills a healthy option like a slathering of secret sauce or a mountain of bacon. Condiments such as ketchup may have added sugar, but full-fat mayo can sabotage a meal in one fell swoop. Mustards might be a better choice. Don't be afraid to ask for substitutions.
• Skip the soda and shake. This is what shocks people the most. Some large sodas clock in at more than 500 calories and 15 grams of carbohydrates. And that offers no nutrition at all. Instead drink water or seltzer with a wedge of lemon.

• Blow off the bread. Yes burgers come with two sides to the bun, but that doesn't mean you need both sides to enjoy it. Top the burger with an extra tomato and a layer of lettuce leaves to take its place.

• Forgo anything fried. No matter how you slice it, foods breaded and deep-fried in oil are an artery-clogging disaster. Chicken, fish, and vegetables that are grilled, broiled or steamed taste just as good as fried, particularly when they are well seasoned.

• Share it. Many of the fast-food portions are enough for two. Bring a friend and split it in half.
Liked by 1 practitioner

Mar 22, 2011

4 Early Signs of Aging

If your skin has 1 of 4 things, you better be aware because you might have experienced premature aging. Four symptoms of premature aging, among others:
1. Dry Skin and Rough (Xerosis Cutis).
If your skin is scaly and reddish in color and have a crack at a certain part, it means that your skin is dry and rough. This is due to the decline in the performance of oil and sweat glands and skin moisture content and less fat enough.
2. Loose skin and wrinkles (Wrinkle and Laxity).
Marked with lowered flexibility or elasticity of the skin that occur less collagen in the skin tissue so the skin becomes stiff and wrinkled.
3. There is a form of dull skin and aging (Pigmentation).
If your skin there is a flat-black stain or gather in one place, then this is an example of aging is caused by skin cell regeneration ability begins to decline or even disturbed.
4. Skin tumors.
Marked by the appearance of small spots and yellow fatty deposits around the eyes caused by sun, aging age, and genetic disorders. You should see her doctor if you experience these symptoms.

  Hopely useful for you:)

5 Things That Cause Old Fast

Bad habits can make people get old. Consists of:
1. Bad Diet Women will do anything to get a slim body. One of them with a strict diet. Like do not eat rice, do not eat dinner or just eat a few snacks only. Though not all the food will cause obesity. A good diet is a diet and the correct balance between carbohydrates, fats, proteins and minerals. There needs to be restricted intake of food is not at all we must not eat. Examples of restricted food intake, such as fatty foods, processed foods and products as well susu. Similarly limit candy, soda, and simple sugars. Because all the food they will still we need to metabolism of cells in our body. Suggested Food kabrohidrat complex, fruits and vegetables.
2. Less Sports.
Exercise is important for the body's metabolism, blood circulation and waste expenses cells. With exercise will burn fat, burn excess calories, and take out the trash the body through sweat. Exercise can prevent aging muscles and joints. It is also important for bone density and muscle strength.
3. Stress.
Stress is a byproduct of our busy lives. Because stress will cause blood sugar in the blood will increase and redundant and will be stored as fat. If stress is constantly spending energy source in the body until finally excessive, causing fatigue, nervousness or lower the body's immune system.
4. Not Happy.
Not happy to be a negative effect on health. People who tend not to happy and depression 2 times greater likelihood of heart disease. The mind has a strong influence on the physiological and substance - a body builder. No doubt, people will be happy to impact the health.
5. Sleep Deprivation.
Quality sleep is enough sleep about 8 hours, peacefully and orderly. Without adequate time for recovery every night, the body will be tired, drained of energy will lead to disharmony and disease. Love the body, give it a rest on the organ - the organ of our body for disease would not arise simply because of our lack of sleep.

Tomatoes to Prevent Aging Skin

The results of British Society for Investigative Dermatology showing that tomato is a food that the most effective way to prevent skin aging. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene which is an antioxidant compound to resist and repair damage to human skin and protect it from the negative effects of ultraviolet light. Consumption of five teaspoons of pure tomato sauce every day be able to withstand adverse effects of sunlight up to 33 percent. This is equivalent to the use of sun cream and prokolagen high level, namely nutrients to improve skin damage repair. But the difference is superior to the tomato is not only clinically but also economical and its use only in small quantities. Well, you should eat tomatoes regularly from now to take care of your skin health.

Mar 14, 2011

Functions And Sources Of Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a vitamin which is essential for breeding, Vitamin E also affects the work of the heart muscle, in addition to vitamin E may also protect Vitamin A and carotene against oxidation in the digestive tract, thus the presence of Vitamin E as anti-oxidants Vitamin A supply can be maintained longer .
Vitamin E is distributed in many foods, so deficiency of vitamin E rarely happen.Vitamin E lot contained in:
1. Sweet potatoes as much as 4.0 miligram/100 gram
2. Peas fresh ingredients as much as 2.10 miligram/100gram
3. red rice as much as 2.40 miligrams /100 gram fresh material
4. Bean oil as much as 22.0 miligram/100gram fresh ingredients
5. Soybean oil 140 grams miligram/100 gram
6. Corn oil 87 miligram/100gram
7. Chicken of 0.25 grams miligram/100 gram
8. Beef as much as 1.40 miligram/100gram
9. Lamb of 0.77 miligram/100gram

Mar 8, 2011

Tips Using Perfume

Everyone generally likes the smell is fragrant. That is why, before going to the office or to the party, using the perfume may be a must for you. With a fragrant body, will increase comfort and confidence of the wearer. Moreover if would meet an important person, you certainly do not want to leave a bad impression with unpleasant body odor. However, the price of an expensive perfume to make us be able to maximize the use of perfume, then, what needs to be aware of when using it?
When will use the perfume, you can notice the following things:

    * Adjust with body lotion

After a shower, maybe you're used to using a body lotion. When will wear perfume, customized perfume body lotion with a scent of perfume. In addition, you should use a body lotion before spraying perfume body lotion because it can reduce the smell of perfume

    * Spray perfume on the skin

Preferably, the perfume is sprayed on clothing. In certain types of perfume, when sprayed on clothing can cause stains, leaving marks like water droplets exposed to long periods of time.

    * Spray the perfume on the body proper

Body parts should be sprayed perfume is the inner wrist, inner elbow, behind the ears, chest and neck. Using perfume in those places makes fragrant the perfume last longer.

    * Do not rub the skin is finished spraying perfume

Habits some people are using the perfume on the inner wrist and then rubbed his wrist. This method actually removes the smell of perfume. So, let the perfume dries on its own.

    * Do not use accessories or jewelry before using perfume

When exposed to spray perfume, accessories or jewelry can make you wear a color change. The result accessories you no longer look attractive.

    * Use a reasonable perfume

Using excessive perfume can make people who do not like to be dizzy. The use of perfume can be customized to skin type. For dry skin you need more spray perfume. Whereas if you have oily skin, simply spray a little perfume

    * Save the perfume in the right place

The price of perfume is not cheap so would be unfortunate if your perfume evaporates because it is not closed properly. So, make sure your perfume closed tightly. Perfume store in a dry and cool and protected from sunlight. Please note that in the long term smell of perfume can change. Then adjust the size of the contents of the perfume to your needs, so that the perfume is not stored for too long and the fragrance change
Using perfume properly, it will boost self-confidence. Besides enjoying the fragrant perfume for yourself, the people around you also can enjoy the fragrance as well and they will be glad when close to you. By using the exact perfume also storing them properly, you can use to save your perfume